I ordered some Manga about a week ago. Quite a bit actually. It finally came today. Here's what I got:

In case your having trouble seeing what all that is, heres the list:
Azumanga Daioh 1-4
Cromartie High School 1-11
Kingdom Hearts 1-4

Kingdom Hearts II 1-2
Added to my (small) collection of
Yotsuba&! (Best manga ever!)


(Bought as a spur of the moment thing, turned out pretty well)
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in there as well. I've never been a big Final Fantasy fan, (I've only played through FFX, never even tried VII) but I heard this movie was good so I figured I'd pick it up. Plus it was only $9.99. As you may have noticed I like comedy Manga. :D Cromartie High School is one of my favorite Anime series, and the manga is just as funny. I've already read up to vol 8, but I wanted to get them all for my collection. It's fun to go back and re-read them after a while. Azumanga Daioh is written by the author of my favorite Manga, Yotsuba&, and I've read a few of them before. They are great. Yes, I know there is an Azumanga Daioh Anime series, but I didn't have enough $$$ to get it. :(
Also, an interesting note about the Kingdom Hearts I Manga: It actually reads left to right, like all American books instead of right to left like all manga. Weird eh? Anyways, it looks like I've got some reading to do. Until we meet again!